Psychosynthetic Buddhist Psychotherapy

Psychosynthetic Buddhist Psychotherapy developed by Dr. Jeffrey Po is a combination of two very significant systems of psychotherapy that are employed to treat client with emotional and mental distresses. The two systems are Roberto Assagioli's Psychosynthesis (Transpersonal psychology) and Buddhist psychotherapy. Both systems complement each other and are not cultural, historical or religious sensitive. It can be safely applied to various age groups and suitable for group or individual counselling.

Basically the system entails the client to a process of self-discovery whereby the client will be empowered to discover his/her emotional and mental strengths and weaknesses. The client is brought to a situation of disidentification of himself/herself of the current distressing situation and eventually transforms those energies towards a direction of introducing a new identity (personality). With this the client is able to manage current issues that had distress him/her and therefore put into the road of self-healing and recovery.

Methods used are simple meditation and self-relaxation using self-affirmation and with the aid of mental imageries/visualisations.

This therapy is safe and guidance is provided. It does not entail the ingestion of any sort of medication.

Workshop and papers on this topic are presented in the 2nd Asia Pacific Rim Counselling Conference 2011 in Hongkong and the Australian Counselling Association National Conference 2011 in Melbourne.