About SmsPsych.com

SmsPsych.com is the website of Regional Human Skills - an organization dedicated to people fulfill their dreams towards a more meaningful and rich life.

Regional Human Skills is a wholly owned company of Jeffrey Po. It was registered as a business organization with the Singapore Registrar of Business in the mid 1985. During that time, it organized seminars, lectures and talks mainly for students on topics such as stress management, cultivating positive thinking and altitudes and social self-improvement.

Today Regional Human Skills provides programmes aimed towards the care and skillful management of the person. Jeffrey looks on a person as a total person comprising two interactive aspects - the physical and the mental (spiritual). The ability to meet life's unceasing challanges and to truly enjoy the terribly short years of one's lifespan means the necessity to equip oneself with whatever essential tools that can help one in the journey through life. Without those equipments exhaustions ensues and the human machine breaks down.

Jeffrey is a strong advocate of learning and education. Knowledge is one important tool that can contribute to the improvement and betterment of a person's quest for enrichment and meaningful life. To this he adopts the holistic approach to empower botht the body and the mind with knowledge. To the body - proper dieting and lifestyle. To the mind - mental exercises aimed towards spiritual equilibrium and balance.

To meet those objectives, Regional Human Skills presents the following programme:

  • Talks, lectures, seminars and workshops (for individual or groups - publicly or privately organised).
  • Meditation and mental relaxation techniques and programmes (for individual or groups - publicly or privately organised).
  • Meditational retreats and spiritual educational tours (10 days or 14 days) to Central Java - Borobudur (Indonesia), Cambodia - Angkor Watt and Ladakh - Himalayan Mountain (groups are preferred).
  • Therapies - Cognitive and Behavioural therapy; Hypnotherapy; Time-line therapy; Sms-therapy - a mental health therapy utilizing the use of handphones (mobiles) or emails (individual or group).
  • Counselling (marriage, behavioural, depression, relationships, etc).
  • Personal enrichment programmes.
  • Family care and mediation programmes.
  • Emotional management programmes.