Hi good friends,
Happy New Year of the Dragon. May this fellow bring you and your love ones happiness, prosperity, excellent health and love.
Time really really flies because my last posting had been before the COVID lockdown.
I have tried giving some lectures and workshop via zoom. But not to my taste. There were no interactions between myself and the participants. I would still prefer the old-fashioned class-room style.
I am still giving lectures though via zoom on some topics in the Diploma in Buddhist Psychotheraphy and Counselling and the Introduction to Buddhist Fundamentals course. This is in collaboration with Dot Connection Awareness Centre.
I am still engaged on a retainer basis by Nanyang Technologial University School of Materials Science and Engineering as a Senion Counsellor. But my tenure with the National Univserity Health Services (NUHS) will end in March. I will then have more free time to organise more workshops. Besides those I am facilitating a monthly Dhamma Circle gathering for the Singapore Buddhist Library. We meet on the 1st Saturday of every month from 10.00am to 12.00pm there. Do come along if your a free. The topics are interesting and exiciting. You may wish to contact the Library for more information.
I will be organising a one full day workshop-retreat on the topic of "Existential Psychotherapy and Buddhism" to be held on the 1st of May - Labour Day (a pubic holiday) from 9.00am to 4.00pm. There will be a short half hour meditation session after the workshop. Please see the relevant page for more details.
Travelling? Well I have given that up altogether since COVID lockdown. Safer to be at home lor!!!
This will be all for the moment.
TAKE CARE, keep smiling and BE HAPPY
Wih all good wishes for Peace Profound

email: wooson@singnet.com.sg;
Mobile: +65-96188153
28th February 2024